Thursday, August 16, 2007

Reading to Meredith

I spent maybe about an hour or less with Meredith each day after coming home from work. One thing that I enjoy is reading to you. She's an avid reader and she would demand that I read the same book to her over and over again. During our 14 days staying in hotel, I ready to Meredith on most nights. We only brought two or three books with us so I had to read the same book to her over and over again. She didn't seem to mind.

These photos are taken in a hotel in Luzern, Switzerland. We were all really tired but Meredith wanted to hear a story book before she sleep. I guess reading stories to is a way for her to maintain a routine everyday regardless of where we are.

1 comment:

Cherry said...

I love the 3rd picture very much! Meredith's little face made it so special and pretty.