Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Ice Skating in Galleria

DSCN2060, originally uploaded by Meredith Sugar Land.

We took Meredith ice skating a few weeks ago with some Malaysian friends. We overestimated Meredith's ability. Kwuannie had called ahead to confirm that there is size 5 or 6 infant skating shoes. So we thought this means 1.5 years old can skate. We strapped the ice skates onto Meredith. She was kinda excited initially that she was wearing new "xiae-xiae" shoes. But the real challenge came when we had to put her on the ice. I couldn't even hold myself steady for the first 5 minutes and let alone make sure Meredith is okay. This is my first ice skating experience too. So Meredith and I ended up sliding up and down the corner of the ice rink for a few feet while Boon Hong took a lot of photos. After a while, Meredith kept saying "pah-pah" meaning that she is afraid because she could not stand up straight on the ice skate without losing balance. Boon Hong ended up holding her on the sideline for the rest of the afternoon. I skate around a little bit with our friends.

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