Monday, March 23, 2009

Cameron Highland

During our long stay in Malaysia, we went to Cameron Highland with my two sisters. There are five women and five kidos. This idea of going Cameron Highland for three days and two nights came from both my sisters. Elder sister wanted to bring two kids to explore the nature of Malaysia during the school holidays. Second Sister had been there before as her husband's mcompany has a bungalow over there as one of the staff benefits.

The weather is relatively dry and cooling. As soon as the kids arrived at the Mount Vernon Bungalow, they can wait to blow the bubbles that we brought from home. It is dry patches all over Meredith's body due to the dryness of the air. I am not sure how she is going to cope once she returns back to US.

We went to self pick strawberries, Rose Garden and Boh Tea Plantation.

Come visit Malaysia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cameron is a very nice place to have some stress free moment!

Also an educational place for kids too!