Sunday, December 21, 2008

Running stroller

I have been wanting to buy a running stroller that can carry both Isaac and Meredith for a long time. Both Boon Hong and I have not run or exercise in any form at all since we moved to New Orleans. Since we returned from Netherland, Isaac has been more and more comfortable staying put in a stroller. Before that, he will burst into tear the minute he sat into a stroller. So for the last few weeks we started running with Meredith and Isaac in two separate umbrella strollers. The umbrella strollers are too short and I had a hard time bending down to push them while running. Last week, I finally made a plunge for the running stroller. I wanted the $550 BOB Revolution stroller which is built like a high end bicycle. However, practicalities and cost consiousness got hold of me and I finally bought the much cheaper $230 Schwinn running stroller. One penny one ounce worth(a chinese expression), the cheaper stroller made a lot of creaking noise and the link arm broke soon after I put it together. However, we started our running routine immediately and we have been running with this stroller with the two kids several times a week.

Isaac can now endure one hour long run. Meredith is the one that always wants to come down from the stroller and run with us.

I found a route that leads to the levee that protect New Orleans. The levee is seen in the background of this pic. It is a constant reminder that we are living below sea level.

There is a playground on our running route. Meredith and Isaac take a break from sitting on the stroller to play on the slide.

The stroller has built in screen which I used when the temperature gets below 60F to block the wind from getting to the kids.

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