Tuesday, August 01, 2006


The fire truck visited our neighborhood. It was National Day Out and Meet Your Neighbor Day. The neighborhood association organized a casual hotdog meal get together at the pool.
The association has been heavily criticized for not doing anything at all for the past three years.
Every household has to pay $400 annual dues. Last year, they spent $3000 on a puny christmas tree that adorned the neighborhood entrance and $38,000 to clean the 10ft x 10ft swimming pool. They must have hired a lawyer to clean the pool.
After constant bombardment from the residents, some of the board members were kicked out and the neighborhood association is doing better now.

Iis pretty cool that they got the firetruck out here. The kids just went crazy and you can see them swarming all over the truck. Meredith told me she wants to grow up to be a firewoman.

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